Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beach time!

Last night we decided to take a walk after dinner. We went down to the beach (10 minutes), and while we were only planning on taking a look, Henrik got so excited that we took off his outfit and let him take a dip in just his diaper (we had a spare with us).

He LOOOOOVED it. So much that we went back again today (we're a day behind on blogging, go figure). More about that later, but here are a few pictures from last night. More on the SmugMug gallery.

Scouting the beach

Aaarrgh, I be a pirate today, matey!

Trying out the water

Ok, we're going all in!

A little deeper, and just as happy

After the dip, I was having a serious discussion with my farfar while I was warming up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Who you calling chicken??

We went next door on Sunday and let Henrik meet their chickens. He loved it!
He even 'caught' the rooster a few times. By caught I mean the rooster pecked Henrik's finger a few times. The hen is sitting on four eggs so there might be babies next week!

The Hen

The Rooster

Peek-a-Boo Henrik can see you!

Almost got you!
Got you!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hello from Sweden!

We made to Sweden without much issues. We got just a couple of hours of sleep over the Atlantic, but Henrik did the travel quite well (as always so far). We lucked out and got an empty seat between us on the long flight so that helped. But the whole "get on board, go to sleep, wake a couple of times and that's it" is no longer our mode of traveling. The small price we pay for parenthood!

We had access to the business lounge in Chicago, but we didn't want to stay in there when it got crowded, mostly because Henrik was a bit on the active and loud side. The play scape nearby was a much better option, and he got to roam around a little before being on the flight for 8.5 hours.

Connecting in Stockholm was tight but we made it without problems. We even got our luggage with us!

Saturday was a tired day, we played around the house and went for a walk, but bed came very early to catch up with sleep. Today Henrik spent a few hours with his grandparents while we went downtown to pick up a few things and just walk around a bit. They're getting along great.

We've started a smugmug page to provide a bit of pictures from our trip so far. It's available at our SmugMug album here. Unfortunately we forgot to bring the color calibrator, and the MacBook seems to need a calibration. Apologies if the colors are off.

A couple of photos are so far are withheld because I wanted to let Brandy blog about it herself. :-)

Oh, and one final note:

Sunrise today was 1.52am. Sunset will be at 11.25pm. It's great to have lots of sun but it's always hard to take good photos when the light is too sharp. The light at night is awesome though, once we've caught up with sleep we'll definitely explore it more.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

15 month visit!

Today we went to see Dr. Chang for our 15 month visit. (or rather Monday we went)

Weight: 23# 5oz (25-50%)
Height: 31" (50%)
Head 48.5cm (75-90%)

So height and weight are based on the Formula Fed baby charts. It's a little annoying that the doctors don't use the breast fed baby chart. So his %'s would be higher on the bf charts. It's not usually a big deal, but it did make me have to go in for weight checks b/c he leveled out sooner (as bf'ed babies do) and that caused this Mama some unneeded stress.

I love that Olof brought up the bf versus ff chart at the visit. He totally rocks!

Henrik is also so close to walking it is just silly! He'll take a few steps here and there, but has this tendency to lean way back (we're talking almost horizontal) because he thinks it is funny when you 'push' him. So we hope he'll be a walking machine when we get back!

I'm so happy to get out of this horrible heat! Seriously it's now 10 days in a row of temperatures over 100F and that is just icki. Good luck to those of you stuck here.

He has recently rediscovered the baby swing.

He has also decided to crawl on his knees when he feels like it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Getting excited

We're all getting excited about going to Sweden. We're looking forward to some quality time with farfar and farmor, but also a bit of downtime and just taking it easy. It will be so nice to get away from this heat for a while.

Packing has yet to begin. Tonight maybe, who knows. We try to travel light, but that is easier said than done when you have a 15-month old. And there always seem to be a hundred little errands that need to be taken care of before leaving. Busy busy days!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mommy got a new toy!

I got this today. I'm excited! I might even start remote blogging!

Our little stinker!

So he woke up with the most awesome bedhead ever! That should have been my first clue. He had breakfast and then wanted to help vacuum the floor.

Then he discovered the fireplace and then he climbed the stairs, stood up and starting pulling out tissues from the table on the other side of the stairs.

I put him down for a nap and he is up there JUMPING in the crib. He can't even walk on his own, but he's JUMPING in bed. Seriously? I'm in so much trouble with the guy...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Found this on the camera

When we were out in California a few weeks ago, we took a few photos with the point-and-shoot camera without a memory card in it. To get them out of the camera, you need a special cable that I happened to come across in my bag today. So I downloaded them.

Which brings today's post: Here's evidence that Henrik has visited 1 Infinite Loop, also known as Apple headquarters. :-)

Monday, June 15, 2009

4 teethers and a cutie pie

Henrik and I met up with some friends today at the park. Most of them were teething and needed to burn off some energy. Henrik crawled all over the place and took a great nap when he got home.
I have found myself becoming more attached to my camera. It's a hard balance though. I want to play with Henrik, talk to the other moms and take lots of candid shots of the kiddos. It is way easier said than done.
I don't know where the picture taking is leading me, but it sure is fun.

They loved the bench swing.

I think Hadley looks very cute in Henrik's hat!

Adaora is adorable!

Already sweet talking the ladies!

I have to admit I love this one. It's total chaos but very cute chaos.

Ruby is just so happy, look at the big gummy smile.

Audrey looks like she has a secret.

Peek-a-Boo Henrik sees you!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sprinklers at the Domain

Vi åt middag ute på CPK igår med några kompisar, och efteråt gick vi över till en liten fontän-lekplats dom har i området. Här är några bilder därifrån!

Vi har börjat prova SmugMug för att dela med oss av våra bilder. Vi har bara laddat upp några album hittills, men det som finns där kan ni hitta på http://bno.smugmug.com/. Det finns även fler bilder från igår där.

Last night we had dinner with some friends at CPK at The Domain. Afterwards we stopped by the sprinkler play area right next door, here are a few pictures from there!

We are trying out SmugMug for photo sharing. We've only got a few albums there so far, but they can be found at http://bno.smugmug.com/. There are more pictures from the sprinkler park there as well.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Back yard fun!

Efter middagen idag gick vi ut på baksidan, Henrik tog ett litet dopp och vi lekte lite i gräset (som behöver klippas). Det blev en hel bunt med bra bilder, klicka på bilden nedan för att se resten av dom!

After dinner tonight we went out back for Henrik to get a little swim, and for some fun in the grass (yes, it needs mowing). We got a bunch of nice pictures, click the one below to see the rest!

Nellie loves Henrik, but this is a bit much. We stop it when we see it (unless Brandy is trying to photograph it, I guess....)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dipping toast, peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie!

Jag undrar varför det blir så mycket bilder (och bloggande) av Henrik när han äter. Mycket är det nog för att det är kul att se när han provar och lär sig nya saker, och just vid matdags är det enkelt att hinna gå och hämta kameran medans han sysselsätter sig. Dessutom är det av någon anledning underhållande att se precis hur kladdig han kan bli ibland. Oftast är han mycket prydligare när han äter än vad vi visar här.

Why is it that we keep blogging about Henrik eating all the time? Well, it's neat to see him pick up new things and try out new flavors, and I guess it's easy to actually get photos of it since he's in one location and normally occupies himself while you can get the camera. There's just something about how messy he can get sometimes. Most of the time he is much tidier when he eats than what we show here.

Något som han börjat med på senaste är att han vill doppa sin mat i något. Vi vet inte riktigt varifrån han fått det, han bara började med det en dag. Här var det rostat bröd i sin keso och mandarinskål:

He has started dipping food. We don't know just where he got that from, but here it is toast in his cottage cheese and mandarin orange bowl:

Idag fick Henrik smaka jordnötssmör för första gången! Han är gammal nog, och vi har inte introducerat något annat speciellt senaste tiden så vi kan vara observanta för nya allergier, etc.

We also decided that today was the first time we're going to try peanut butter! He's old enough, and we haven't introduced any other new foods lately so we're at a good time to catch any allergies if they occur.

Vi grillade revben till middag ikväll, och hade ett par kompisar över till middag. Efter middagen var det baddags, sedan sade dom att dom visst hade efterrätt med sig, och ville att Henrik skulle få smaka han med. Så här började det:

We made ribs tonight and had some friends over for dinner. After the meal it was bath time for Henrik, and when we got back from that they said they brought dessert and wanted him to taste some. This is how it started out:

Sedan såg det snabbt ut såhär, och jag meddelade att Brandy fick ta hand om tvätt den här gången eftersom jag just badat honom:

And then it looked like this, at which point I told Brandy that she was responsible for cleanup since I just gave him a bath:

Det tog dock inte mer än en minut eller två innan det såg ut såhär, och sedan var loppet kört. Han ser renare ut i bilderna än han var, det blev ett andra bad ikväll...

It didn't take more than a minute or two until it looked like this, and then the game was lost. He looks tidier in the pictures than he really was, and it ended up being a two bath night...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mini Taco night!

Tonight I had the great idea of making Henrik mini tacos! He loves to eat what we eat, not just the same thing, but the same way.

Case in point, earlier this week we had fish stick sandwiches for lunch and I just gave him the sticks. Not acceptable. He took the sandwich out of my hand and ate it!

So I made three small tacos out of one flour tortilla and he was thrilled.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bathtime fun

Rub a Dub Dub we have a mohawk in the tub! I think his hair might be getting too long the hawk went all floppy!

Catching up

So it seems like we got home and we've completely forgot to update the blog.

We've been pretty busy! Saturday we took a nice lunch picnic in the heat, we went to Old Settlers Park and hung out under a shady tree for a while. Sunday was a slow day around the house, and I finally fixed the ceiling fan in the nursery. How long does it keep that name anyway, when does it just become Henrik's bedroom?

We did fix up the pictures from the California trip (Aperture is much nicer to use to do that than iPhoto), and new versions are available at MobileMe here. Some of them are below as well!