Friday, November 6, 2009

More photos from Life In Motion!

Lyndsay put up more pictures from our session on her blog yesterday, they can be found here:

We're very excited and happy with the results! There's also a slideshow of proofs on her regular website, login as "henrik" under the client proofing section.

Can't wait to see them printed. We should pick at least one to blow up on a canvas too. :-)


  1. Oh my goodness those are precious! I especially love the ones with all three of you. Such a beautiful family.

  2. Holycow. I love all of them. Picure #9 (the pic of B kissing H...not the "outtake") is my absolute favorite. That one is wallpaper worthy. :)

  3. They are AWESOME! And Brandy, love the dress/boot combo! Cute!

  4. wow!!! amazing pictures. i love henrik's little outfits.

  5. She is so amazing!! If I ever have a boy, I want you to dress him. I'm clueless about boy clothes but you seem to have it down pat! And I agree with Mandie, your outfit is very cute!

  6. wow! so preciuos! Henrik and your cute lil fam! You look beautiful! I am so impressed with Henriks modeling ability- Alex wont pose like that for a million bucks. Oh well. And I agree with Brandy- I need your styling help too! :)

  7. These pictures are great!! What a fabulous family!
