Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Furniture and porridge

That's right! This morning Henrik and Farfar assembled the little chair and table set that we got at IKEA. It was so much fun, and we can't weed out just a couple of pictures so there's a little slideshow below.

We also had porridge (risgrynsgröt) for lunch. Henrik liked it, and took a few drinks out of his bowl, as you can see. :-)


  1. the pictures of him helping put together the chairs are adorable!! he is so serious about it!

  2. The slideshow is not working for me but my computer is a little crazy right now. I do love the pictures of him drinking his porridge :)

  3. All kids need a little table and chairs, right? ;) And porridge? I thought that only existed in nursery rhymes. hehe
